Fontes Artis Musicae目次速報

Fontes Artis Musicaeの目次については、以下の通り第55〜57巻だけ翻訳作業が行われていましたが、継続や補足が難しいので、本部の情報をご覧ください。


  • 目次は、原則として原語と日本語を並記する
  • 日本語は、基本的にオリジナル論文記事タイトルに付与し、そのほかは原語のみとする
  • 年次報告の号の場合は,報告の項目は省略し(その旨を記す)、上記に相当する項目があれば、該当箇所の原語と日本語を掲載する

Vol. 57, no. 4 (October-December, 2010)
○ IAML年次活動報告

○ 訃報欄Obituary
424 Noëlle Mann (Fiona McKnight)

○ レビューReviews
426 Die Wachszylinder des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs. Von Suzanne Ziegler. (Hartmut Walravens)
427 Letters From a Life: The Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten 1913-1976.Volume 4: 1952-1957. Edited by Philip Reed, Mervyn Cooke and Donald Mitchell. (Susi Woodhouse)
429 Music, Experiment and Mathematics in English, 1653-1705. By Benjamin Wardhaugh. (Tim Eggington)
431 Handel Studies: A Gedenkschrift for Howard Serwer. Edited by Richard G. King. (Kathryn Lowerre)
432 Ethnomusikologie. Aspekte, Methoden und Ziele. Artur Simon. (Hartmut Walravens)
433 The Masses of Joseph Haydn: History, Style, Performance. By Robert W. Demaree and Don V. Moses. (David Rayl)
435 Die Zauberflöte K. 620: Fascimile of the Autograph Score, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Mus. Ms autogr. W. A. Mozart 620). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Introductions by Hans Joachim Kreutzer and Christoph Wolff. (Rupert Ridgewell)
437 Hearing and Knowing Music: The Unpublished Essays of Edward T. Cone. Edited by Robert P. Morgan. (David Trippett)
441 Der Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag: sein Profil in Geschichte und Gegenwart. By Anita Punkt. (John Wagstaff)

○ Forum Musicbibliothek記事再掲Reprinted from Forum Musicbibliothek
443 シベリウス.交響曲と交響詩:音楽監督Jean Sibelius. Symphonien und symphonische Dichtungen. Ein musikalischer Werkführer. Von Joachim Brügge. (Andreas Odenkirchen)
443 Karlmann Pachschmidt主題目録Thematischer Katalog Karlmann Pachschmidt. Von Alexander Opatrny. (Manfred Sailer)
444 Felicitas Kukuck als Komponistin von Solo-und Chorliedern. Exemplarische Untersuchungen zu zeitgeschichtlichem Umfeld und stilistischen Einflüssen. Von Cordula Sprenger. (Peter Sühring)
445クララ・シューマン:音楽と市民Clara Schumann. Musik und Öffentlichkeit. Von Janina Klassen. (Martina Rebmann)

○ 近刊音楽書縲Recent Publications in Music (comp. Geraldine Ostrove)

○ 索引Index

Vol. 57, no. 3 (July-September, 2010)
○ 特集:公共図書館Special Topic: Public Libraries
229 Guest Editor: Hanneke Kuiper

○ 論文Articles
229 公共音楽図書館は平等か Are Public Music Libraries On The Road To Full Democracy? (Hanneke Kuiper)
236 スウェーデン王立音楽院あの音楽ライブラリアンシップの最初の百年The First Hundred Years of Music Librarianship at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music: 1771-1871 (Mattias Lundberg)
250 L'avenir de la musique dans les bibliothèques publiques françaises ou de la difficulté à trouver un modèle de substitution à la discothèque de prêt (Gilles Pierret)
259 情報アクセスについて: 英国の公共図書館での音楽録音情報の提供Issues of Access: The Future of Music Audio Provision in UK Public Libraries (Frances Metcalfe)
267 ソーシャル技術を使った公共図書館の音楽コレクションの検索 Exploring Public Library Music Collections through Social Technologies (Laurel Tarulli)
275 ベルゲン公共図書館の特別コレクション Special Collections in the Bergen Public Library (Siren Steen)
280 音楽を元気にし続けること Keeping the Music Alive (Ria Warmerdam)
285 音楽に精通すること: 中等学校教員と公共図書館のための音楽資源セミナー Music at Your Fingertips: Music Resources Seminars for Secondary School Teachers and Public Libraries (Phillippa McKeown-Green and Marilyn Portman)
291 ノルウェーオスロ市の公立学校システムでの音楽教師のための公共図書館サービスBoomwhackers: A public Library Service for Music Teachers in the Public School System in Oslo, Norway (Ann Kunish)
296 Von Mozart-Rallye bis Notenkoffer: Musikspezifische Angebote der Stadtbibliothek Essen für Schulen, Kinderchöre und Jugendensembles (Verena Funtenberger)
303 トルコの公共図書館 Public Libraries in Turkey (Bülent Yilmaz)
309 日本の公共・専門図書館 Public and Special Libraries in Japan (Mari Itoh, Shigeyuki Kohzuma, Yasuko Nagai)

○ レビューReviews
316 Guide to Developing a Library Music Collection. By R. Michael Fling. (Anna Pensaert)
317 The Disney Song Encyclopedia. By Thomas S. Hischak and Mark A.Robinson. (Brian Cockburn)
319 After the Golden Age: Romantic Pianism and Modern Performance. By Kenneth Hamilton. (Barry Zaslow)
320 The Great American Symphony: Music, The Depression, and War. By Nicholas Tawa. (John Schuster-Craig)
321 Music of the Postwar Era. By Don Tyler. (Ralph Hartsock)
322 Händel und seine Zeitgenossen. Eine biographische Enzyklopädie. (Das Händel-Handbuch 1). By Hans Joachim Marx. (Suzana Ograjenšek)
326 The Art of French Piano Music: Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Chabrier. By Roy Howat. (Jessie Fillerup)
328 André Cluytens. Itinéraire d'un chef d'orchestre. By Erik Baeck. (Jan Dewilde)
330 Camille Saint-Saëns on Music and Musicians. Edited and translated by Roger Nichols. (Keith E. Clifton)
331 Amico: The Life of Giovanni Battista Viotti. By Warwick Lister. (Allan Badley)

笳九Forum Musicbibliothek記事再掲 Reprinted from Forum Musicbibliothek
333 アントニオ・ヴィヴァルディとその時代Antonio Vivaldi und seine Zeit. Von Siegbert Rampe. (Barbara Wolf)
334 ロベルト・シューマンとその時代Robert Schumann und seine Zeit. Von Arnfried Edler. / Robert Schumann. Von Arnfried Edler. (Peter Sühring)
335 音楽と聖書:111の音型とモティーフ,テーマとテキストMusik und Bibel: 111 Figuren und Motive, Themen und Texte. Von Thomas Schipperges. (Marianne Noeske)
336 レオシュ・ヤナーチェク: 伝記Leoš Janácek: Eine Biografie. Von Christoph Schwandt (Andreas Vollberg)

Vol. 57, no. 2 (April-June, 2010)
135 リブレットに関するRISMシリーズTowards a RISM series for Libretti (Pierluigi Petrobelli)
140 RISM:過去と現在Das Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (RISM) in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Harald Heckmann)
148 Jasna Góra修道院の音楽Musica Claromontana - Music in the Jasna Góra Monastery: Attributions, Forms, Style, Exchange of Repertoire (Aleksandra Patalas)
162 マギル大学のOCLC WorldCat選書OCLC WorldCat Selection @ McGill University (Joseph Hafner)
167 音楽に関する視覚障がい者のためのスペインの規約およびアメリカとの比較 The First Spanish Music Codes for the Blind and Their Comparison with the American Ones (Esther Burgos Bordonau)
186 スペインの近代ピアノ教育の確立The Establishment of the Modern Piano Pedagogy in Spain: The Case of Valencia (Victoria Alemany Ferrer)

○ 編集者ニュース通信Corresponding Editors' News
198 Canada (Lisa Philpott)
198 IASPA and CSTM Joint Conference, July 2010
198 Finland (Heikki Poroila)
198 The Compositions of Erkki Melartin Now Available Online
198 Germany (Jutta Lambrecht)
198 Brahams-Briefwechsel-Verzeichnis (BBV) Online
199 Richard-Strauss-Quellenverzeichnis (RSQV) Asks For Help
199 Music Collection of the Berlin State Library (SSB) Now Searchable on the Web
200 The Beethoven House in Bonn Acquires the Original Manuscript of Beethoven's (Diabelli Variations)
200 Halle: New Music Museum
201 Johannes Brahms' Earliest Extant Works Discoverd in the City Archives of Celle
201 The Internet site „Musikvermittlung und Genderforschung im Internet“ (Music Education and Gender Research In the Internet) With a New Look
202 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Ceases Print Publication of the Deutschen Nationalbibliografie
202 Published Catalogue of the Archivs der Sing-Akademie zu Berlin
202 Japan (Mari Itoh)
203 The Japanese Branch Celebrated Its 30th Anniversary in 2009
203 South Africa (Santie De Jongh)
203 IMS-SASRIM Conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2010
203 The Netherlands (Ellen Kempers and Ria Warmerdam)
203 How Should We Deal With Our Musical Heritage?
205 Music Broadcasting Gems from The Netherlands
205 The Netherlands Music Center (MCN) Opens Webshop

○ レビューReviews
206 Chales Ives Reconsidered. By Gayle Sherwood Magee. (Ron Wiecki)
208 “Recevez ce mien petit labeur”: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Ignace Bossuyt. Edited by Mark Delaere and Pieter Bergé. (Edward Wickham)
209 The Viola da Gamba Society Index of Manuscripts Containing Consort Music. Volume II. Compiled by Andrew Ashbee, Robert Thompson and Jonathan Wainwright. (Richard Andrewes)
210 Aspects of early music and performance. By Audrey Ekdahl Davidson. (Bradford Lee Eden)
211 Josef Mysliveček, “Il Boemo” The Man and His Music. By Daniel E. Freeman. (Allan Badley)
214 Music Makes the Nation: Nationalist Composers and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Europe. By Benjamin Curtis. (Brian Thompson)
215 Women Writing Music in Late Eighteenth-Century England : Social Harmony in Literature and Performance. By Leslie Ritchie. (Cindy Richardson)
216 Form, Program, and Metaphor in the Music of Berlioz. By Stephen Rodgers. (John Schuster-Craig)
218 Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century. By Nick Strimple. (Barry Zaslow)
219 A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music. 2nd edition. Edited by Jeffery Kite-Powell. (Bradford Lee Eden)
220 The Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music. Edited by Nick Collins and Julio d'Escriván. (Paul Schreiber)
222 The Grove Book of Opera Singers. Edited by Laura Macy. (Ruthann B. McTyre)
223 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (MWV). Von Ralf Wehner. (Dr. Georg Günther)
224 Las Claves Madrileñas de Isac Albéniz. By Jacinto Torres Mulas con la colaboración de Ester Aguado Sánchez. (Frances Barulich)
226 Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design. By Karen Collins. (Ian Davis)

Vol. 57, no. 1 (January-March, 2010)
1 プラハの演奏会史1850-1881年    Prague Concert Life 1850-1881: An Annotated Database (Karl Stapleton)
23 東南アジア:音楽の融合と文化のアイデンティティ Southeast Asia: Musical Syncretism and Cultural Identity (Artur Simon)
35 パリ・オペラ座図書館、国立古文書館のなかの、王立 音楽アカデミーの古文書がこれほど充実しているとは 本当に信じられない  «Il est vraiment inconcevable qu'elles soient encore si riches»:les archives de l'Académie Royale de musique, entre bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra de Paris et archives nationales (Solveig Serre)
50 演奏会プログラムプロジェクト The Concert Programmes Project: History, Progress and Future Directions (Rupert Ridgewell)
65 デジタル音楽ライブラリー:デジタル楽譜の利用行動 Digital Musical Libraries: The Patterns of Use of Digital Musical Scores (Ella Kulik)
76 高等教育図書館サービスへのWeb 2.0の統合:トリニティカレッジ音楽図書館でのフェイスブックページ事例研究 Integrating Web 2.0 into a Higher Education Library Service : A Case Study of Trinity College of Music's Library Facebook Page (Claire Kidwell)
86 エルンスト・フォン・ドホナー二の未出版ピアノ曲 The “Imperial and Royal-Court Schumann Robber”: The Unpublished Piano Cycles of Ernst von Dohnányi (Wendy H. W. Wong)

○ レビューReviews
115 American Muse: The Life and Times of William Schuman. By Joseph W. Polisi. (Bradford Lee Eden)
115 Edvard Grieg. Thematisch-Bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Vorgelegt von Dan Fog, Kirsti Grinde, Øyvind Norheim. (Georg Günther)
116 A Guide to Library Research in Music. By Pauline Shaw Bayne. (Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith)
119 No Legs, No Jokes, No Chance: A History of the American Musical Theatre. By Sheldon Patinkin. (Thomas S. Hischak)
120 Sergey Prokofiev and His World. Edited by Simon Morrison. (Fiona McKnight)
122 History|Herstory. Alternative Musikgeschichten. Hrsg. von Annette Kreutziger-Herr und Katrin Losleben. (Hartmut Möller)
124 America's Concertmasters. By Anne Mischakoff Heiles. (Charles N. Page II)
125 Antal Doráti and the Joy of Making Music. By Richard Chlupaty. (Diane M.Paige)
126 Bach's Cycle, Morzart's Arrow: An Essay on the Origins of Musical Modernity. By Karol Berger. (Bryan Proksch)
128 Theory and Analysis of Classic Heavy Metal Harmony. By Esa Lilja. (Robert Walser)
128 Sibelius: The Orchestral Music: An Owner's Mannual. By David Hurwitz. (Scott Warfield)
130 Vocal Chamber Music: a Performaer's Guide. By Barbara Winchester and Kay Dunlap. (Ruthann McTyre)
131 Focus: Music of South Africa. By Carol Ann Muller. (Santie de Jongh)

Vol. 56, no. 4 (October-December, 2009)
○ IAML年次活動報告

○ 訃報欄Obituaries
405 Anders Lönn (Veslemöy Heintz)
406 Wolfgang Kreuger (Susanne Hein)

○ レビューReviews
408 Music Library and Resarch Skills. By Jane Gottlieb. (Kirstin Dougan)
409 A Guide to Library Research in Music. By Pauline Shaw Bayne. (Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith)
412 Editing Music in Early Modern Germany. By Susan Lewis Hammond. (John Wagstaff)
413 Encyclopedia of Percussion. Edited by John H. Beck. (Gwen Burgett Thrasher)
414 History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800 by Nikolai Findeizen. Edited and Annotated by Miloš Velimirović and Claudia R. Jensen. With the Assistance of Malcolm Hamrich Brown and Daniel C. Waugh. (Gerald Seaman)
416 Leoncavallo: Life and Works. By Konrad Dryden. (John Schuster-Craig)
418 Music and the Book Trade from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Edited by Robin Myers, Michael Harris and Giles Mandelbrote. (Susi Woodhouse)
419 “Vom Erkennen des Erkannten”: Musikalische Analyse und Editionsphilologie. Edited by Friedericke Weißmann, Thomas Ahrend, and Heinz von Loesch. (Benjamin Ayotte)
421 Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies: Essays in Honour of François Lesure. Edited by Barbara L. Kelly and Kerry Murphy. (John Schuster-Craig)
423 Communication in Eighteenth-Century Music. Edited by Danuta Mirka and Kofi Agawu. (Bryan Proksch)
424 Selected Correspondence of Charles Ives. Edited by Tom C. Owens. (Benjamin Ayotte)
428 A History of Film Music. By Mervyn Cooke. (Brian Thompson)

○ 近刊音楽書Recent Publications in Music (Geraldine Ostrove)

○ 索引Index

Vol. 56, no. 3 (July-September, 2009)

239 東・東南アジアの音楽文化Negotiating Musical Cultures in East and Southeast Asia (Michael E. McClellan)
241 失われる楽曲の価値:中国北西部のウイグル少数民族に関する研究The Value of Missing Tunes: Scholarship on Uyghur Minority Music in Northwest China (Chuen-Fung Wong)
254 ミャンマーの古典音楽の伝統The Burmese Classical Music Tradition: An Introduction (Hsin-Chun Tasaw Lu)
272 1746〜1786年の皇帝時代の音楽 From 1746 to 1786: The Continued Revision of the Imperial Music Treaties (Yuzhi Lülü zhengi houbian  Lulu Chiu)
282 日本の西洋音楽コレクション Collections of Western Music in Japan: An Introduction (Masakata Kanazawa and Yasuko Todo)
287 台湾における西洋音楽の伝統の変化Changing Tendency of Western Music Tradition in Taiwan (Hui-Shan Chen)
299 タイ,ランナー地域の音楽Rites and Beliefs of Music in the Thailand's Lanna Region (Bussakorn Binson-Sumrongthong)
314 音楽,教育とフランスの影響:植民地ハノイの音楽教育Music, Education and Français de Couleur: Music Instruction in Colonial Hanoi (Michael E. McClellan)

○ レビューReviews
326 Spectral World Music. Proceedings of the Istanbul Spectral Music Conference. Edited by Robert Reigle and Paul Whitehead. (Gerald Seaman)

Vol. 56, no. 2 (April-June, 2009)
115 Tracing Joseph Trauneck: the Wanderings of a Persecuted Man (Pamela Tancsik)
138 ベンジャミン・ブリテンの主題目録:オンライン資源についてThe Benjamin Britten Thematic Catalogue: An Introduction to the Online Resource (Lucy Walker)
150 マリーヌ大司教古文書館におけるイタリア起源の音 楽コレクション(18世紀前半) Une collection musicale d'origine italienne (première moitié du 18ième siècle) dans les Archives Archiépiscopales de Malines (Stefanie Beghein)
162 Anselmo Gonza'lez Del Valleの個人音楽コレクションにみるスペイン上級社会でのイタリア音楽の受容The Reception of Italian Repertoire in the Spanish Upper Classes Through The Private Music Collection of Anselmo González Del Valle (1852-1911) (M. Carmen García Mallo)
201 RISMプロジェクトの新たな課題Neue herausforderungen im Umfeld des RISM-projektes: Der fall Spanien (Antonio Ezquerro Esteban)
207 南アフリカの音楽図書館South African Music Libraries: Collegial, Institutional and Geographic Isolation, An Examination (Fiona Still-Drewett)

○ 編集者ニュース通信Corresponding Editors' News
215 South African Music Archive Project (SAMAP) (Santie de Jongh)
215 The International Library of African Music (ILAM) (Santie de Jongh)
215 New Cultural Institute for University of Cape Town (Santie de Jongh)
216 Topical Music and Musical subjects — A New Service for Finnish Music Libraries (Heikki Poroila)

○ レビューReviews
217 Letters of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1895—1958. Edited by Hugh Cobbe. (Lionel Pike)
217 Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti: Two Lives in One. By Robert Pagano. (Barry J. Zaslow)
219 Critical Essays in Popular Musicology. Edited by Allan F. Moore. (Mark E. Perry)
220 Les Manuscrits autographes de Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Textes réunis par Catherine Cessac. (John Hajdu Heyer)
224 Cristóbal de Morales: Souces, Influences, Reception. Edited by Owen Rees and Bernadette Nelson. (Jane Dahlenburg)
225 A Conductor's Guide to Ninteenth-Century Choral-Orchestral Works. By Jonathan D. Green. (Brian Cockburn)
226 French Music, Culture, and National Identity, 1870—1939. Edited by Barbara L. Kelly (Keith E. Clifton)
228 Liturgy and contemplation in Byrd's Gradualia. Kerry McCarthy. (Richard Turbet)
231 Regensburger Verlagsbuchhandlungen als Musikverlage (1850—1950). By Thomas Emmerig. (John Wagstaff)

Vol. 56, no. 1 (January-March, 2009)
1 ロシア式によるイタリア   Italians in a Russian Manner: One Step from Serious to Funny (Svetlana Martynova)
7 女性データデース   A Pink Database: A Repertoire of Feminine Names in the Noseda Collection of the Consevatory Library in Milan (Pinuccia Carrer)
10 シカゴからのリトアニアの貴重資料 The Lithuanian Treasure from Chicago: The Dr. Kazys Pemkus Collection at Klaipėda University Library (Danutė Petrauskaitė)
25 音楽(図書館)は未来を予測できるか Can Music (Libraries) Predict our Future? (Juha Torvinen)
29 手稿譜と印刷楽譜の年代同定 Dating Music Manuscripts and Prints: An Overview of Past and Present Research (Joachim Jaenecke)
36 Montecassino修道院とオルトーナの聖ドミニコ図書館の音楽アーカイブ The Music Archives in the Abbey of Montecassino and the Library of S. Domenico in Ortona: Multifunctional Activity for a High-Quality Cataloguing (Giovanni Insom)
51 クロアチアの音楽コレクション Music collections in Croatia (Tatjana Mihalić)
66 クラシック音楽のリテラシー The Rise and Fall of Literacy in Classical Music: An Essay on Musical Notation (Per Dahl)

○ 編集者ニュース通信Corresponding Editors' News
77  50 years of Finnish public music libraries. (Heikki Poroila)
77  Pekka Gronow retires. (Heikki Poroila)
78  John Adams thinks the world of music librarians. (Ria Warmerdam)
78  Performing arts in The Netherlands in shock: New subsidy policy distresses renowned musical ensembles. (Ria Warmerdam)
78  Consevatorium van Amsterdam moves to new building (Ria Warmerdam)
79  IAML-IMS Amsterdam 2009 (Ria Warmerdam)
79  Opening of the National Knowledge Centre of Organ Music (Ria Warmerdam)

○ レビューReviews
81  The Beauty of Belaieff. By Richard Beattie Davis. (Gerald Seaman)
82  Music Research: A Handbook. By Laurie Sampsel. (Kirstin Dougan)
84  Skizzen einer Persönlichkeit. Max Kalbeck zum 150. Geburtstag. Breslau 4. Jänner 1850 — Wien 4. Mai 1921. Symposion. Wien 21.—24. Mai 2000. Edited by Uwe Harten. (Chris Walton)
85  W. A. Mozart. By Hermann Abert. Edited by Cliff Eisen, translated by Stewart Spencer. (Bryan Proksch)
86  Hugo Wolf Enzyklopädie. By Ernst Hilmar. (Chris Walton)
87  Repertoire Explorer: The Flemish Music Collection. (Anna Pensaert)
88  Bartók, Hungary, and the Renewal of Tradition: Case Studies in the Intersection of Modernity and Nationality. By David E. Schneider. (John Schuster-Craig)
90  Reynaldo Hahn. By Jacques Depaulis. (Delphine Mordey)
92  Ah! Le métier de donneur de concerts: Adrien François Servais (1807—1866) als rondreizend cellovirtuoos. By Peter François. Adrien François Servais, Halse cellist met wereldfaam: catalogus. By Peter François. Mélanges d'histoire du Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, vol. I. By Paul Raspé. (Johann Eeckeloo)
93  G. F. Handel: A Guide to Research, Second Edition. By Mary Ann Parker. (Graydon Beeks)
94  Sousa at Illinois: The John Philip Sousa and Herbert L. Clarke Manuscript Collections at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A Catalogue of the Collections. By Phyllis Danner. (S. Timothy Maloney)
96  Tielman Susato and the Music of his Time: Print Culture, Compositional Technique and Instrumental Music in the Renaissance. Edited by Keith Polk (Stanley Boorman)

笳九Forum Musikbibliothek掲載のレビューReviews from Forum Musikbibliothek
96  Briefwechsel mit Leipziger Verlegern III: Friese, Hofmeister, Peters, Siegel. Von Robert und Clara Schumann; Briefwechsel mit Verlagen in West-  und Süddeutschland. Von Robert und Clara Schumann. (Peter Sühring)
98  PopMusicology. Perspektiven der Popmusikwissenschaft. Hrsg. von Christian Bielefeld, Udo Dahmen und Rolf Grossmann. (Michael Stapper)
99  Operette unterm Hakenkreuz. Zwischen hoffähiger Kunst und „Entartung“. Beiträge einer Tagung der Staatsoperette Dresden. Hrsg. von Wolfgang Schaller. (Andreas Vollberg)
99  Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850. Bericht des Symposiums „Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850“, veranstaltet von der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien vom 16. bis 18.10.2003. Hrsg. von Beatrix Darmstädter, Alfons Huber und Rudolf Hopfner. (Martin Elste)
100 Europäische Romantik in der Musik. Von Carl Dahlhaus und Norbert Miller. (Georg Günther)
101 I Mozart in Italia. Cronistoria dei viaggi, documenti, lettere dizionario dei luoghi e delle persone. Von Alberto Basso. (Peter Sühring)
102 Joseph Keilberth. Ein Dirigentenleben im XX. Jahrhundert. Von Thomas Keilberth. (Ludwig Steinbach)
103 Carlos Kleiber. Eine Biografie. Von Alexander Werner. (Ludwig Steinbach)
104 Carmina Burana von Carl Orff. Entstehung — Wirkung — Text. Hrsg. von Franz Willnauer; Carl Orff. Carmina Burana. Von Susanne Gläß. (Marianne Noeske)
105 Musiktheoretische Quellen 1750—1800. Gedruckte Schriften von Joseph Riepel, Heinrich Christoph Koch, Johann Friedrich Daube und Johann Adolph Scheibe. Hrsg. von Ulrich Kaiser. (Peter Sühring)
106 Johannes Brahms. Leben und Werk. Von Malte Korff. (Claudia Niebel)

Vol. 55, no. 4 (October-December, 2008)
○ IAML年次活動報告

○ 編集者ニュース通信Corresponding Editors' News
659 A New Grieg Thematic and Bibliographic Work Catalogue (Berit Holth)
659 Report from 16th International ISMN Panel Meeting (Berit Holth)

○ 訃報欄Obituary
661 Agnieszka Mietelska-Ciepierska (Sylwia Heinrich)

○ レビューReviews
662 Analyses of Nineteenth- and Twentieth Century Music, 1940—2000. By D. J. Hoek, incorporating by Arthur Wenk. (John Schuster-Craig)
663 Church Music in America. By John Ogasapian. (N. Lee. Orr)
665 A Cellist's Companion: A Comprehensive Catalogue of Cello Literature. By Henk Lambooij and Michael Feves. (Mac Nelson)
666 Encyclopedia of the Blues. Edited by Edward Komara. (Palph Hartstock)
668 French Music since Berlioz. Edited by Richard Langham Smith and Caroline Potter. (Keith E. Clifton)
669 Music in Eighteenth-Century Life: Cities, Courts, Churches. Edited by Mara E. Parker. (Robert Torre)
671 De musica disserenda and Muzikološki Zbornik (Gerald Seaman)

○ 近刊音楽書Recent Publications in Music (Geraldine Ostrove)

Vol. 55, no. 3 (July-September, 2008)
○ 特別コレクションと私立音楽図書館
433 序・特別コレクションと私立音楽図書館      Introduction to Special Collections and Private Music Libraries・・aureen Buja)
435 ヘンデルとFoundling Hospital-Foundling MuseumのGerald Cokeヘンデルコレクション     Handel and the Foundling Hospital: The Gerald Coke Handel Collection at the Foundling Museum (Katharine Hogg)
448 フィレンツェのMorrill音楽図書館The Morrill Music Library at the Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti, Florence: Its History and Holdings (Kathryn Bosi)
474 Royal College音楽図書館のEdward Heron-AllenコレクションThe Edward Heron-Allen Collection in the Royal College of Music Library (Pamela Thompson)
484 音楽院の歴史コレクションからみるオーケストラの奏法Orchestral Performance Practice Revealed in a Conservatoire's Historic Collections (Angela Escott)
495 郷土の音楽を忘却から救うこと:香港中央図書館の音楽コレクションSaving Local Music from Oblivion: The Hong Kong Music Collection at the Hong Kong Central Library (Jim H Y Chang)
512 バレンシアのReal Colegio-Seminario de Corpus Christiの音楽アーカイブ図書館 The Music Archive and Library at the Real Colegio-Seminario de Corpus Christi (Valencia) (Greta Olson and Rosa Isusi Fagoaga)
519 Bowerbird to L'Oiseau-Lyre: The Hanson-Dyer Collection at the Louise Hanson-Dyer Music Library, The University of Melbourne (Richard Excell)
533 The G. Robert Vincent Voice Library (Mary Black Junttonen)
543 ロンドンのセルゲイ・プロコフィエフアーカイブThe Serge Prokofiev Archive in London—A Complex Story (Noëlle Mann)
548 セルゲイ・プロコフィエフアーカイブの現状と今後The Serge Prokofiev Archive Today and Beyond (Fiona McKnight)

○ 編集者ニュース通信 Corresponding Editors' News
554 Last, But Not Least! Opening of the New Norwegian Opera House (Berit Holth)
560 Unique Estonian Sound Recordings from 1939 Found in Denmark (Ilvi Rauna)

○ レビュー  Reviews
561 Music in North America and the West Indies from the Discovery to 1850: A Historical Survey. By Daniel Mendoza de Arce. (Ron Wiecki)
563 Johannes Brahms: Vom Ratgeber zum Kompositionslehrer. By Johannes Behr. (Chris Walton)
564 Johann Georg von Werdenstein (1542—1608): A Major Collector of Early Music Prints. By Richard Charteris. (Katrina Mitchell)
566 Diccionario bibliográfico de la música argentina y de la música en la Argentina. Compiled by Leandro Donozo. (Malena Kuss)
568 Directory of Conductors' Archives in American Institutions. By Henry Bloch. (Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith)
569 The Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Virtuoso of the Sword and the Bow. By Gabriel Banat. (Allan Badley)
571 George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower, Violin Virtuoso and Composer of Color in late 18th Century Europe. By Clifford D. Panton. (Allan Badley)
572 A Living Legacy: Historic Stringed Instruments at The Juilliard School. By Lisa B. Robinson. (Barry J. Zaslow)
573 A Manual for the Performance Library. By Russ Girsberger. (Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith)

Vol. 55, no. 2 (April-June, 2008)
253 スーザン・サマー,1935〜2008 Susan Thiemann Sommer, 1935—2008 (Hugh Cobbe)
○ アウトリーチ Outreach
256 シドニー会議Sydney Conference: Outreach Committee Session (Ruth Hellen)
257 ハンガリーの音楽図書館サービスMusic Library Services in Hungary: Future Requirements for Support (Julianna Gócza)
263 ナイジェリア民族音楽の図書館プロジェクトの現状Library of Folk Music of Nigeria Project: The Current State (Christian Onyeji)
270 アルメニアの音楽図書館 Music Libraries in Armenia: October 2006 (Ruth Hellen)

○ 論文Articles
274 An Initial Investigation into the Early Dissemination of Scottish Music in Australia (Almut Boehme)
297 Metadata Design for Digital Chinese Orchestral Scores with Instrumental Parts (Koo Ching Lan Jasmine and Peter Warning)
340 A Selective Bibliography of Writings about Tudor Music 1992—2007: For John Harley on his Eightieth Birthday (Richard Turbet)
363 Copying by Libraries in the United States: Reviewing Section 108 of the US Copyright Laws (Jerry L. McBride)
377 On Alamut, an Opera in Three Acts by Matjaž Jarc (Franc Križnar)

○ 編集者ニュース通信 Corresponding Editors' News
389 Digital and Collected Editions Symposium (Ilvi Rauna)
389 Merger of Dutch Music Institutes Completed (Ria Warmerdam)
392 From Finnish Film Archive to Finnish National Audiovisual Archive (Heikki Poroila)
392 CAML (Lisa Philpott)

○ レビュー Reviews
393 How to Write about Music: The RILM Manual of Style. Edited by James R. Cowdery. (Laurel Tarulli)
394 Historical dictionary of sacred music. By Joseph P. Swain. (Brian Cockburn)
395 C.P.E. Bach Studies. Edited by Annette Richards. (Bryan Proksch)
397 Catalogue des éditions françaises de Mozart, 1764—1825. By Jean Gribenski. (John Wagstaff)
398 Analytical Studies in World Music. Edited by Michael Tenzer. (Mark E. Perry)
399 William Byrd: A Guide to Research. By Richard Turbet. (Anna Pensaert)
401 Rock Song Index: the 7500 most important songs of the Rock and Roll era, 1944—2000. Bruce Pollock. (Andy Linehan)
402 Musical AKAs: Assumed Names and Sobriquets of Composers, Songwriters, Librettists, Lyricists, Hymnists, and Writers on Music. By Jeanette Marie Drone. (Ralph Hartsock)
404 Dmitri Shostakovich [Catalogue of Works]. (Laurel E. Fay)
405 Sergey Prokofiev, Diaries 1907—1914: Prodigious Youth. Edited and translated by Anthony Phillips. (Kevin Bartig)
406 François-Joseph Fétis: correspondance. Edited by Robert Wangermée. (Jan Dewilde)
410 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition: The First Twenty Years. By Karen R. Little and Julia Graepel, with assistance from R. Scott Adams. (Ron Wiecki)
411 Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism: History, Culture and Ethnicity in the Formation of Nations. Edited by Athena S. Leoussi and Steven Grosby (Brian C. Thompson)
413 Guide to the Euphonium Repertoire: The Euphonium Sourcebook. Compiled and edited by Lloyd E. Bone Jr. and Eric Paull. (William G. Rose)
414 Classic Chic: Music, Fashion, and Modernism. By Mary E. Davis. (Keith E. Clifton)

○Forum Musikbibliothek掲載のレビューReviews from Forum Musikbibliothek
416 Antonio Vivaldi. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke (RV) / Thematic-Systematic Catalogue of his Works. Von Peter Ryom. (Jutta Lambrecht)
417 Mozarts Opern. Das Handbuch / Hrsg. von von Dieter Borchmeyer und Gernot Gruber. (Peter Sühring)
419 Das Reichsorchester. Die Berliner Philharmoniker und der Nationalsozialismus. Von Mike Aster. Die Furtwänglers. Geschichte einer deutschen Familie. Von Eberhard Straub(Peter Sühring)
421 Beethoven und der Musikverlag Breitkopf & Härtel. Hrsg. von Nicole Kämpken u. Michael Ladenburger. (Jürgen May)
421 Variationen mit Orchester: 125 Jahre Berliner Philharmoniker. Hrsg. von der Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker (Claudel Niebel)
422 Oper in Köln. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Hrsg. von Christoph Schwandt. (Andreas Vollberg)
423 Der deutsche Musikfilm. Archäologie eines Genres 1914—1945. Von Michael Weldel. (Michael Stapper)
424 Ausgespielt. Aufstieg und Fall der Klassikindustrie. Norman Lebrecht. Martin Elste

Vol. 55, no. 1 (January-March, 2008)
○ IAML年次活動報告

○ 編集者ニュース通信 Corresponding Editors' News
75  50th Anniversary of Music Departments in Finish Public Libraries (Heikki Poroila)
75  Popular Song Celebrations (Heikki Poroila)
76  Tubin Complete Works Launch (Ilvi Rauna)
76  Ursula Vaughan (1911—2007) (Helen Faulkner)

○ レビュー Reviews
78  Music, Libraries and the Academy: Essays in Honor of Lenore Coral. Edited by James P. Cassaro. (J.Bradford Young)
79  Bibliographic Contorol of Music, 1897—2000. By Richard P. Smiraglia. Compiled and edited with J. Bradford Young. (John Wagstaff)
81  Women in Music: A Research and Information Guide. By Karin Pendle. (Sophie Fuller)
84  An Annotated Catalogue of the Music Manuscripts in the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D. C. By Richard Charteris. (Andrew R. Walkling)
88  J. S. Bach: A Life in Music. By Peter Williams. (Kathryn Lowerre)
89  Nähe aus Distanz. Bach-Rezeption in der Schweiz. Herausgegeben von Urs Fischer, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Laurenz Lütteken (Joachim Jaenecke)
91  The Conservatoire Américain: A History.(John Wagstaff)
93  Jean Coulthard: A Life in Music. By William Bruneau and David Gordon Duke. (Cidny Richardson)
94  Musikinstrumentenbau im interkulturellen Diskurs. Edited by Erik Fischer, Annelie Kürsten and Sarah Brassack. (Joy Pile)
96  The Trombone. By Trevor Herbert. (Donald Babcock)

○ オーストラリア関連記事Guest Editor: Georgina Binns
99 オーストラリアの国内の課題 National Issue: Australia (Georgina Binns)
101 鉛筆からポッドキャストまで:音楽資源の拡大From Pencil to Podcast: Maximizing Musical Resources (Malcolm Gillies)
111 あるオーストラリアの作曲家の歴史的コンテクストSome Making of an Australian Composer (1964—65): Historical Context and the National Library of Australia's Peter Sculthorpe Papers (Graeme Skinner)
128 オーストラリアの音楽Music Australia: From Development to Production Service (Robyn Holmes and Kaye McIntyre)
142 コンテキスト,コンテンツ,チャレンジ:オーストラリアの音楽研究出版Contexts, Contents and Challenges: Publishing Music research in Australia (Robyn Holmes)
155 音楽と民族の権利 Music and Land Rights: Archival Recordings as Documentation for Australian Aboriginal Land Claims (Grace Koch)
165 北部の遠隔コミュニティEngaging with Remote Communities in the Northen Territory: The Libraries and Knowledge Centres Program (Cate Richmond)
170 ビクトリア州立図書館のグスタフ・ホルストとイギリス音楽協会のコレクション The Gustav Holst and Britsh Music Society of Victoria Collections at the State Library of Victoria (Daniela Kaleva)
180 シアヌークアーカイブコレクション Royal Song and Royal Singing: Music in the Norodom Sihanouk Archival Collection, Monash University Library (Aline Scott-Maxwell)
191 ビクトリア,メルボルンの国立美術館の12のラーガマーラ美術  Twelve Ragamala Paintings in The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: A Concordance for Two Sets of Names and Five Sets of Numbers (Reis W. Flora)
205 シドニー大学所蔵のスペイン典礼音楽の手稿譜Spanish Liturgical Music Manuscripts at the University of Sydney: A Preliminary Report (Jane Morlet Hardie)
223 シドニー大学の中世聖歌の手稿譜の断片Fragments of Medieval Chant Manuscripts at the University of Sydney (Kathleen E. Nelson)

○ オーストラリア刊行物のレビュー Reviews
232 Kathleen E. Nelson Currency Companion to Music and Dance in Australia. John Whiteoak and Aline Scott-Maxwell, general editors. (Kathleen Haefliger)
234 Intercultural Music: Creation and Interpretation. Edited by Sally Macarthur, Bruce Crossman and Ronald Morelos. (Anna Gifford)
238 The Soundscapes of Australia: Music, Place and Spirituality. Edited by Fiona Richards (Peter Campbell)
239 Sounds from the Corner: Australian Contemporary Jazz on CD. By Roger Dean. (Mal Stanley)
240 Solo Piano Works of the Last Twenty-five Years. By Dr Jeanell Carrigan. (Georgina Binns)

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